Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Zip Utilities - reviews

Freeware 100K_Zipper (ver 1.21) (100ziper.exe) - very small, but at the price of functionality. It's very easy to do something you're not expecting to do, like extract all of the files in a zip archive.

Freeware Ultimate Zip (ver 2.7.1)
Ultimate Zip has a batch compressor, which looks interesting, as well as numerous other features.

CAM Unzip v 3.1

Free Zip and unzip.
Very simplistic, but does not install a lot of files.
Uses Infozip's DLLs...
Warning - Associates itself with zip files without asking.
Can only zip and unzip ZIP Format archives.
NOTE - the interface is rather simplistic, but more useable than 100K_Zipper...

WinIMP ver 1.21
Installs a small program, which handles zip, rar, and other compression formats, including a proprietary .IMP format.
This archiver can only create archives in ZIP and IMP format - but uncompresses the other formats...
It is Very Fast - deletes files from a 83,655Kb file in less than 5 seconds!
One caveat - after deleting files from the above-mentioned large zip file, it could not be opened with WinZip. However, WinImp seemed to be able to work with it just fine.

Shareware PowerArchiver 2003 v8.6
This was freeware until PowerArchiver 2001 - but now is shareware with a free trial period and prompts thereafter like Winzip, of which it is virtually a clone.

Performance Tests:
On a 900 MHz Pentium with 128 Mb RAM
PowerArchiver 2001 (version 6.11) - last freeware version took 5 seconds to delete some file from a large zip file (75,912KB - 74.1 Mb)
WinZip 7.0 took 3 seconds to delete the same amount of files from this same zip file
Ultimate Zip 2.7.1 took 10 seconds on the same file.