Wednesday, September 17, 2003

More Gripes

The iPaq was advertised as having Microsoft Money 2003 software on the CD. One of my mistaken assumptions was that this was the Windows version of Money. Unfortunately it was just the "Pocket" version of Money, and would not sync with the old version of Money which I had (Money 1999). So I went out and bought Money 2002 when it was on special. The two Moneys worked great (as the should) at first, but on one occasion some transactions were lost, and on another the money file on the PocketPC went missing. Well, that's why Microsoft gives away The Pocket version on MS Money with PocketPCs.

Another gripe was Pocket Streets. It supposedly came with the iPaq, but there was a lot of confusion about it. To get it, you had to buy Microsoft MapPoint or Microsoft Streets and Trips. Then there were Pocket Streets 2001 Maps which were not compatible with 2002 maps (or was that vice versa).
Now I see Microsoft says you can buy Pocket Streets from Handango
for $24.95. A bit of a cheek when it was supposed to be included with the iPaq (or was it the link which was included, not the software?)

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